Mar 31, 2012

Dad's fillet knife

Gave this one to my Dad in Florida, have some pics of it in use that I will put up. I like the tooling on the sheath.

Lighting strikes

Obviously, I've gotten interested in knife making. I signed up for a lot of newsletters, etc..., one of them had an article about a March of Dimes charity auction of this knife from J. Neilsen. Anyway, long story short, I won it. Here is how the gentleman made it. A TON of work and talent went into it.

Mar 22, 2012

Fishing Report

Caught this nice little trout last night, next one is going to get eaten. I HATE that flat brimmed hat.

Mar 20, 2012

Good news

Guerini USA said my gun should be back in the US by the end of the week. Looking forward to shooting it again. I remember in 2010 when I shot it, I went to ATA shoots confident that I was going to place in singles or handicap that day and I usually did. By the end of 2011, that confidence was gone. So ready to start rebuilding my game.

Cal and Pop at the Grand last year.

Mar 19, 2012

Slaying Bluegills

Another nice weekend here. Went to the gunclub on Saturday and shot at some trap targets with two different Perazzi TM1s. Couldn't hit anything. Had a little more success with a borrowed high-ribbed Mossberg 500 trap gun.

Went back Sunday and we did some fishing, some nice bluegills in the pond.

Mar 8, 2012

Software update

I just spoke to the people at Guerini, my gun is hung up in customs in Milan, Italy, notorious for bureaucracy, until a software update in completed. They can't do anything about it. Starting to get the itch to shoot again, having some great weather here.

Here's a picture of Cal with his first BB gun a few years ago. His grandparents gave me money for his first shotgun, going to hold off a little longer.